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Safety Reminders


  1. Please be waiting outside, at your bus stop 5 minutes before your bus is scheduled to arrive.
  2. Wait at least 10 feet away from the road.
  3. When on the bus, follow all bus rules and keep the noise level low.
  4. Do not vandalize the bus. Parents/Guardians WILL BE required to pay for any intentional damage your child does to the bus including seat damages of any kind. (Seat covers will be billed at $100 for each seat damaged by your child)
  5. Always obey the bus driver and/or aid, if available.
  6. No eating on the bus, as this is a choking hazard. Water may be consumed on the bus.
  7. Be respectful to other students and the driver.
  8. Do not leave trash on the floor or seats, please discard in the trash can(s) provided.
  9. Never place any part of your body outside the bus window.
  10. When exiting the bus, NEVER walk or cross behind the bus, cross in front so the driver can see you safely across the street.